Academic project
Guided by the tutor Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius , studio Raumlabor
Location: Delft (Netherlands)
Keywords: participatory experience, event, narrated walk
"In this project, students expressed the ambition to renew the meaning of a priests' communal house and adjacent chapel buildings in the light of their history and future. This culminated in a discovery tour - "Het Wonderland" - which invited pupils and teachers to collectively speculate on the possible future of the introverted chapel and priests' house, that lost its original functions". - Hans Venhuizen
I have researched the tools to initiate events of togetherness, where I focused on methods to encourage collective dreaming. I have co-designed five stops to spark the imagination of visitors, taking them on a journey through Wonderland.
Photo Credits: unknown author
Posters Design: Mary Farwy
My research paper on the topic “Event of Togetherness”